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Rotary Collins Hospice House Peace Pole Dedication Ceremony

Zachary Covington, Peacebuilder Chair
September 21, 2022

Good afternoon!
Today, I am addressing you as a fellow Rotarian, the Club & District Peacebuilder Chair, and most importantly, a Friend.

The International Day of Peace. What other “International Day of…” can you think of? I know America has assigned almost each of the 365 days as a national recognition of something-or-other, but I can’t think of very many International days of recognition. The United Nations have identified September 21 of each year as World Peace Day, also known as the International Day of Peace.

The 2022 theme for World Peace Day is “End Racism. Build Peace.” While the goal of the UN is 24-hours of non-violence and cease-fire worldwide, Rotarians worldwide are committed to making this a year-long endeavor. We have made a commitment to show the world that “PEACE IS POSSIBLE!” We have also
recognized that true peace is not just the absence of war.

Indeed, peace is ending racism, peace is maintaining our global humanitarian efforts, peace is investing in our International Peace Fellowships, peace is eradicating Polio.

We also have to remain focused on the idea that peace is achievable, it is right, it is fair, and it is just. We must find ways to WAGE PEACE in our communities.

We are a committed People of Action, and the Franklin Rotary Club has committed to finding ways we can begin to make a positive difference in our community. One of the first things Franklin Rotary has been able to do is determine the individuals in our community who are making a positive difference, and
determine ways we can recognize and thank them. The Collins Hospice House was actually the first organization our club chose to gift a peace pole to a few years ago, in honor of your opening, and your commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of all who enter the home!

We recognize the monumental work you are accomplishing here, the compassion that lives in your hearts, the mission behind your work, and the peace that you are creating for so many…not just your patients, but their families as well. We are so thankful to have your team in our town.

In an effort to show our support and appreciation on World Peace Day 2022, as well as support the Peacebuilding efforts of Rotary International, the Franklin Rotary Club gifts this small token, which holds a huge meaning.

A peace pole is meant to be a symbol of hope, of gratitude, of harmony, and of course…peace. When you see the pole, it is our hope that you will pause, take a moment to feel loved and appreciated, and perhaps feel a smile appear upon your face.

Consider the words…”Restore My Soul.”

Rotary International defines being a Peacebuilder in 3 little words: SIMPLIFY     UNIFY      ENGAGE

On behalf of the Franklin Rotary Club, I hereby dedicate this peace pole placed in the gardens at the VNA Collins House in Franklin, Pennsylvania. May all who see it experience a SIMPLE breath of peace, feel UNIFIED with other team members working to care for all who enter, and ENGAGE with others in our community to share positive peace.

May God bless the patients and employees here, and all Rotarians around the world as we continue to WAGE PEACE.
Thank you!

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